Grandmas’ Stocking Guild

Grandmas’ Stocking Guild is forever changing lives!

Grandmas’ Stocking Guild was formed in 2009 in response to the need to ‘do something’ to help abused and neglected children in the Texas Hill country.
The children are THRILLED with their stockings. One little girl slept with hers every night. The girls at New Life Children’s Center hang theirs on their doors – until long after Christmas.

Our Stockings
Favorite stockings, workshops, special events…we have so many talented and generous folks helping us in so many ways!

Christmas is coming!

Our Partners and Helpers

Generous helpers make it possible to gift stockings to a variety of organizations. With your kind donation, we can expand this list.
2025 Workshops

Workshop Location
- All workshops will be held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1250 Belvin St. in San Marcos. They will be held on the second Thursday of the selected month. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your favorite scissors and sewing supplies. We will have extra thread and embellishments on hand to share.
Workshop Dates
- Introduction to Stocking Making
- February 13, 2025 – 9am to 12pm. Appreciation Luncheon to follow.
- March 13, 2025 - 9 to 12 p.m.
- May 8, 2025 9 to 12 p.m.
- July 10, 2025- 9 to 12 p.m.
- September 11, 2025 9 to 12pm
- The Great Reveal & Luncheon
- September 25, 2025 10am to 2pm
Stocking Instructions
You can pick up written instructions on how to construct a stocking at a workshop or you can click on the link with detailed video instructions for the Flower Pot Method and the Canoe Method.
The GREAT REVEAL - All stockings will be on display. Representatives from the foster/group homes will be present to visit. We will have several speakers. An appreciation lunch will be served.

Saying Thank You …
A young man who had been in many different foster care situations in his life found himself in yet another new home. Upon arrival, his CASA volunteer presented him with his first GSG stocking. He was so very proud! “It was the first time he had ever received something like this!” It brought many happy smiles to him that day and through the holiday season!